Beyond Classroom

Events by CBSE

CBSE conducts various activities to instill competencies in students on all the important occasions.
The students of school participate in CBSE expression series, heritage Quiz, toycathon etc.

Events by PCRA and other Govt. agencies

The students participate in all the competitions conducted by PCRA (Petroleum Conservation and Research Association) and inspire award – MANAK (Million minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge) A flagship programme of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

The students of the school are divided into four houses Aruni, Dhoumya, Shwetaketu and Upamanyu. Various cocurricular activities are conducted among the houses. Dance, skit, role play, declamation, extempore, elocution, singing, quizzes etc are the few competition conducted among the houses.

House system

We have multi- surface sports ground, comprising of a handball ground and two basketball ground. Children are trained in various sports events. Few achievements in sports games are as follows.

Art, Music and dance is taught to all the students. After school classes are also arranged for students, those who are interested to learn these soft skills.

Art, Music and Dance
Atal Tinkering Lab

ATL is an approach of Central government of India to create an environment of scientific temperament, innovation, creativity amongst Indian Students. ATL lab would teach students essential 21st-century skills which will help them in developing their professional and personal skills.

Field trips are rich in educational possibilities as students learn from actual hands-on experiences, rather than by simply reading or hearing about something. Involvement in a real- world experience makes learning more meaningful and memorable compared to regular classroom instructional programs.

Field trips make students aware of learning activities in everyday life. For instance, visits to farms, post offices, nature parks, banks, hospitals, police station, courts are typical field experiences, which we may fail to notice. A well-organized trip to a “normal” place is an excellent method of teaching students to observe, ask questions and learn in the large classroom. This increases student-student and student- teacher social interaction too. Field trips provide an opportunity to involve students, parents and the teachers in the instructional program.

It also facilitates the learning of abstract concepts. Taking students on a field trip makes learning more effective as they will be able to gain many more ideas on the topic.

Field trip and Excursion
Experiential learning

Experiential learning is most commonly referred to as ‘learning by doing’. It is a process of learning that looks to make a lasting impression by essentially immersing participants in a direct personal journey of discovery. Experiential learning is about altering perspectives and changing mindsets by taking the learner outside their comfort zone and forcing them to actively engage and reflect on a subject matter.